What if you could boost your international career by posting insightful and attention-grabbing posts on social media or on your blog? What if you could attract the attention of head-hunters and potential new clients? What if you could do this without it costing hours a month, and without having to worry if your English language skills are good enough?

The above profile describes my clients. They are global business professionals who wish to increase their reach.  They know what they want to say but require a little bit of help. Here are the main reasons they hire an executive ghostwriter:


They struggle to wow their audience in English  

They are skilled at writing persuasive copy that wows their readers in German but struggle to do the same in English. This isn’t unusual. It’s quite rare to be able to write really well in a foreign language. 

My husband came home from a recent conference, raving about a fantastic speaker he’d seen there. The guy was an expert in his field, and gave an excellent presentation on the topic. I wanted to know more about the speaker, so I looked up his blog. It was obviously written first in German and then translated to English. Unfortunately, he made a few really glaring mistakes, including using swearwords (which as I’ve mentioned is a no-no in the English business world). He really wowed his readers in German but the English version was just a bit boring and flat.


Writing isn’t Their Strongest Skill 

They want to impress their readers with their ideas and they know what they want to say.  But they find it really difficult to put their thoughts into words, even in German. 

We all have talents in specific areas. I am an excellent writer but don’t ask me to work with Excel or do maths. Which is why I’m a writer and not an accountant! It’s ok to acknowledge that writing isn’t your cup of tea* and find someone else to do this for you.

They don’t have the time to write 

Have you ever tried to be creative when you were on a tight deadline? Or tried writing an important text when you were tired and uninspired? Creativity isn’t something that you can switch on and off like a lamp. You need to be in the right frame of mind so you can let the idea develop and ripen. Only then can you create something that you’ll want to share with others. 

Time, of course, is something that many managers and C-Level executives just don’t have. Just as they feel comfortable outsourcing other business services, from web and graphic design to sales training and PR, when they hire an Executive Ghostwriter, they use their time more effectively. 

They want to stand out from the crowd 

They are ambitious, globally orientated professionals who don’t want to get lost in the crowd. They want to stand out.

Here’s are the typical profiles of my Ghostwriting clients. Which one are you? 

  • You are aiming to climb the next rung of the career ladder and want to show your boss that you have brilliant ideas. Or you are hoping to catch the attention of headhunters and HR recruitment specialists. 
  • You are the Content Manager for a company and wish to establish a CEO blog. Your boss has great ideas and specific industry knowledge that would help drive traffic to your website. But he doesn’t have the time or the English language skills to create his own posts. 
  • You are the CEO of a company and want to reach out to investors and potential clients. As the head of the company, you are the best person to explain the goals and philosophy of the organisation. You wish to outsource this work to someone who can create clear, concise and compelling texts. 

Find out more about how Executive Ghostwriting works here and how it could help you, and contact me to arrange a call. 


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10 + 4 =

* If I use a word or a phrase that some of my non-English speaking readers might not understand, I  provide a quick translation or explanation. I’d rather do this than just use an alternative word. Think of it as a free English lesson!

not my cup of tea – this is used to mean something which you dislike or have no interest in. In German, we’d say ‘Das ist nicht mein Ding’ although I have seen it translated as ‘Das ist nicht meine Kragenweite’, which I don’t think is quite accurate. I spoke to some of my German twitter followers about this and we agreed that ‘nicht meine Kragenweite’ would be more like the English idiom ‘out of my league’, to mean it would be pointless competing with you, or comparing myself with you.