You can say “you” to me

You can say “you” to me

There’s an amusing anecdote that is told in Germany about words uttered by Helmut Kohl (or maybe Heinrich Lübke) to Ronald Reagan (or the Queen). I couldn’t track down the truth of who said it to which foreign leader, but apparently, the words uttered...
Is ‘Home Office’ Denglish?

Is ‘Home Office’ Denglish?

For obvious reasons, I’ve been thinking about the term ‘Home Office’ recently. Everyone is working in Home Office. But did you know that, like the words ‘handy’ and ‘beamer’, these aren’t Leihwörter from English? Home...
Buzzword Bingo and Non-Native English Speakers

Buzzword Bingo and Non-Native English Speakers

‘Let me nutshell that for you’, I read this morning. AAARRRRGHHHHHHHH For non-native English speakers who don’t know the expression, to ‘put it in a nutshell’ means to explain something in a concise way – to make it so small that it...
Global Employer Branding to Attract International Candidates

Global Employer Branding to Attract International Candidates

Excellent global Employer Branding in international recruitment is vital. The war on talent means that it is increasingly challenging for organisations in the DACH region to recruit qualified employees in their home country. In addition, if your company sells goods...