Wie schreibe ich eine Out of Office email auf Englisch If your company doesn’t have a standard out-of-office email in English, then you may have to write your own. I know how hard it is to write these seemingly simple little texts in a foreign language....
Wie schreibe ich eine messe follow-up email auf Englisch You’ve been to a trade fair or other industry event and now you are back in the office. You’d like to write a follow-up email to the prospects you met at the event. Instead of spending ages trying to...
Wie schreibe ich eine Anfrage auf Englisch You’ve been asked to write an enquiry* in English to a company outwith Germany and are wondering how to word this email. Perhaps it’s a potential supplier, and you’d like to know more about their product or...
Welche Begrüßung soll ich in einer E-Mail auf Englisch verwenden? When you start writing an email in English, the first thing that you have to decide is how to greet the person you are emailing. Years ago, we were taught to write ‚Dear Sirs‘, or...