Stories from the Storyteller
Here’s where I share advice on various topics for German professionals. Real-life tips on being successful in an English-speaking environment, language and slang that you might come across, and a whole load host of assistance on the subject of social media and blogging for an English-speaking audience.
Linkedin newsletter
On my LinkedIn newsletter, I share fun and insightful tips to help you improve your English at work.
How to find a Copywriter for English and German
My computer pings as an email pops up in my inbox. A list of job advertisements from LinkedIn. ‘Gesucht: Texter, deutsch/english’. I am tempted to reply to one of these ads. Not to apply for a job, but to advise them not to waste their time with their search. Here's...
How do i write an event follow-up email in english
After a trade fair, you want to send an email to the prospects you met there, but are unsure what to write. Tips and two helpful email templates by a native speaker copywriter.
How do I write an out-of-office email in English?
How to write an out-of-office email in English, including templates by a native English speaker
How to define your (English-Speaking) Target Audience
As a company based in Germany with international customers, your online marketing outreach is essential. You need to define your English-speaking target audience so that you understand their problems and their needs. And then you can target your marketing to meet...
What is a Marketing Mission Statement, and how do you create one in English?
Are you creating your content marketing strategy? Or putting together your new website? If so, then one of the first things you should do is to create your content Marketing Mission Statement. It serves as the foundation for all your marketing activities and will help...
You can say “you” to me
There's an amusing anecdote that is told in Germany about words uttered by Helmut Kohl (or maybe Heinrich Lübke) to Ronald Reagan (or the Queen). I couldn't track down the truth of who said it to which foreign leader, but apparently, the words uttered were, "You can...
Is ‚Home Office‘ Denglish?
For obvious reasons, I’ve been thinking about the term ‚Home Office‘ recently. Everyone is working in Home Office. But did you know that, like the words ‚handy‘ and ‚beamer‘, these aren’t Leihwörter from English? Home Office is DENGLISH! What is Denglish? And with...
Lost in translation : Convince yourself
When I look at websites of German companies, I can generally tell if a native speaker wrote the English version. One of the most common mistakes made by Germans when writing in English is the use of reflexive pronouns. Überzeugen Sie sich selbst von den Vorteilen...
Is ‘Home Office’ Denglish?
For obvious reasons, I've been thinking about the term 'Home Office' recently. Everyone is working in Home Office. But did you know that, like the words 'handy' and 'beamer', these aren't Leihwörter from English? Home Office is DENGLISH! And with this, I start a new...